List of Reportable Diseases
California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Section 2500, mandates that certain communicable and non-communicable diseases/conditions be reported to the local health department using specified methods and time frames. The List of Reportable Diseases, which summarizes disease reporting requirements, may be downloaded from this website and freely copied.
It is important that you report notifiable diseases/conditions to the county where the patient resides so that appropriate follow-up can occur. The Confidential Morbidity Report (CMR) form may be used to report notifiable diseases/conditions to Orange County Public Health.
Confidential Morbidity Report (CMR)
The Orange County Confidential Morbidity Report (CMR) form, used by providers to report any reportable disease or condition, has been revised to reflect updates in reporting procedures following changes at the state public health department level. This revision is the first major revision of the CMR for many years.
There are now three versions of the CMR form:
It is important that you report notifiable diseases/conditions to the county where the patient resides so that appropriate follow-up can occur. For diseases/conditions that are reportable and specified methods and time frames for reporting, please see the List of Reportable Diseases.
SARS-CoV2 Antigen and Point of Care Reporting
Reporting Methods for COVID-19 Antigen and Point of Care Testing
Reporting Other Than Communicable Diseases
Subject | Agency | Phone | Fax |
Animal bites | OC Animal Care | (714) 935-6848 | (714) 259-1089 |
Cancer | SDSU/UCSD Cancer Center Comprehensive Partnership | (858) 822-6762 | (858) 822-2399 |
Child abuse | Child abuse registry | (800) 207-4464 | (714) 938-0289 |
Domestic violence | Report to local law enforcement (police or sheriff) | National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233 | |
Elder abuse | Adult protective services registry | (800) 451-5155 | Verbal reports only |
Foodborne Illness | Environmental Health | (714) 433-6000 | (714) 433-6423 |
Lead poisoning (Lead levels above reference value) (Blood lead levels of >5 mcg/dL) | Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program | (714) 567-6220 | (714) 834-7702 |
Pesticide exposure | County Agricultural Commissioner or After hours and on week-ends, physicians may call Epidemiology & Assessment and follow the directions to contact the on-call public health official | (714) 955-0100 (714) 834-8180 | (714) 921-2713 |
Disorders characterized by lapses of consciousness | Epidemiology & Assessment (Reports will be forwarded to the Department of Motor Vehicles) | (714) 834-8180 | (714) 564-4050 |
Page Last Updated: 3/14/2025