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EMS Policies

California Statutes and Regulations

NOTE: Effective January 1, 2025, many California EMS Regulations have been revised and/or renumbered. Existing OCEMS policies listed on this page may include references to regulations which have been renumbered.  The California EMS Authority (EMSA) has created a "Renumbering Crosswalk" document which may be accessed by clicking here.  

Orange County EMS Policy Manual - Table of Contents


010.00 - 099.99 - Authority / Administration

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PolicyTitle                                                                                                                                                                           Updated
000.00Cover Page08/31/2012
000.00Table of Contents08/31/2012
050.00OCEMS Agency, County of Orange Resolution                            02/02/1982
070.05Orange County EMS Organization Chart01/20/2010
080.00Policy and Procedure Review Process01/01/2013
090.00Definitions                                                                                                 08/20/2019

100.00 - 199.99 - Emergency Medical Care Committee and Subcommittees

PolicyTitle                                                                                                                                                                              Updated
100.10EMCC (State Authority: Health & Safety Code)03/04/1988
100.30Emergency Medical Care Committee Bylaws10/22/2024
100.40Emergency Medical Care Committee Membership04/16/2021
110.10Facilities Advisory Subcommittee Bylaws03/04/1988
110.20Facilities Advisory Subcommittee Membership12/16/2005
120.10Education and Training Advisory Subcommittee Bylaws02/09/2009
120.20Education and Training Advisory Subcommittee Membership12/16/2005
130.10County Paramedic Advisory Subcommittee Bylaws02/09/2009
130.20County Paramedic Advisory Subcommittee Membership12/16/2005
140.00Transportation Advisory Subcommittee Bylaws04/01/2023
140.20Transportation Advisory Subcommittee Membership06/22/2010
150.10EMS Quality Assurance Board Bylaws05/06/2008
150.20EMS Quality Assurance Board Membership04/03/2012
160.10Regional Trauma Operations Committee Bylaws09/03/2021
170.10Disaster Advisory Group Bylaws                                     12/05/2006
180.00EMS Stroke CQI Advisory Committee09/03/2021
185.00EMS STEMI CQI Advisory Committee09/03/2021

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200.00 - 299.99 - OCEMS Approved System Service Providers

PolicyTitle                                                                                                                                                                                       Updated
200.00Licensed EMS Medical Transportation Providers01/09/2025
210.00Emergency 9-1-1 Dispatch Paramedic Service Providers05/04/2020
220.00List of Base Hospitals05/22/2019
230.00List of Emergency Receiving Centers09/24/2024
240.10List of Trauma Receiving Centers06/12/2015
240.20List of Stroke Neurology Receiving Centers09/24/2024
240.30Orange County Specialty Services09/24/2024
240.40List of Cardiovascular Receiving Centers07/14/2021
250.00Orange County Approved EMT and Paramedic Training Programs11/01/2022

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300.00 - 399.99 - Medical Control

300.10OC-MEDS - Clinical Documentation Standards  *****CURRENT*****                                                     07/01/2021
300.10OC-MEDS - Clinical Document Standards *****UPCOMING 04/01/2025***** 10/01/2024
300.20OC-MEDS - System Management and Support07/01/2021
300.30OC-MEDS - EMS Provider Prehospital Care Reporting and Data Submission Process07/01/2021
300.31OC-MEDS Data Dictionary04/01/2024
300.31OC-MEDS Data Dictionary - Attachments04/01/2024
300.40OC-MEDS - Confidentiality of Health Care Information04/01/2018
300.50Emergency Receiving/Specialty Center Data Reporting Criteria07/01/2021
309.00Transport of Police K9 Dogs Injured in Line of Duty01/01/2019
310.009-1-1 Advanced Life Support Base Contact, Standing Order, and Transport Criteria10/01/2023
310.10Determination of 9-1-1 Dispatched Patient Transport to an Appropriate Facility - Hospice10/01/2022
310.15Advanced Licensed Health Care Professional On Scene - Practitioner on Scene10/01/2020
310.20Service Provider Transport and Dispatch Criteria for Interfacility Transfers between Acute Care Hospitals10/01/2022
310.20Interfacility Transfer Between Acute Care Hospitals Using EMS Transport Providers - Attachment A04/01/2023
310.30Trauma Triage10/01/2023
310.31Trauma Triage Algorithm10/01/2023
310.80Updates of Standing Orders / Base Hospital Treatment Guidelines / Procedure Guidelines04/01/2017
310.96Hospital Diversion Criteria and APOT Standard 10/01/2024
315.00OCEMS EMT Scope of Practice: EMS-OCEMS Accredited10/01/2022
315.00OCEMS EMT Scope of Practice: Field Reference Guide - Attachment I04/01/2019
325.00Advanced Life Support (ALS) Provider Unit Minimum Inventory *****CURRENT*****11/01/2023
325.00Advanced Life Support (ALS) Provider Unit Minimum Inventory *****UPCOMING 04/01/2025*****10/01/2024
325.05Air Rescue Unit Inventory 04/01/2024
330.15Treatment Without Base Contact Communication Failure04/01/2021
330.20Evaluation, Treatment and/or Transport of Minors04/01/2019
330.25Infant Safe Surrender09/02/2014
330.30Suspected Child Abuse Reporting Guidelines  *****CURRENT*****09/02/2014
330.30Suspected Child Abuse Reporting Guidelines *****UPCOMING 04/01/2025*****10/01/2024
330.35Suspected Dependent Adult/Elder Abuse Reporting Guidelines  *****CURRENT*****04/01/2015
330.35Suspected Dependent Adult/Elder Abuse Reporting Guidelines *****UPCOMING 04/01/2025*****10/01/2024
330.40First Responder Use of Automated External Defibrillator (AED)04/01/2021
330.47OCEMS Optional Scope of Practice Petition Procedure04/01/2015
330.50Withholding Prehospital CPR for the Obviously Dead 04/01/2024
330.51DNR, POLST, End of Life Options 04/01/2024
330.51EMSA Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) - Attachment 1 
330.51Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) - Attachment 2 
330.57Application of Restraints by EMS Personnel10/01/2023
330.60Transfer of Patient Care: Paramedic to Air Ambulance Medical Flight Crew04/01/2015
330.70Paramedic Assessment Unit (PAU) 04/01/2024
330.75Tactical Medicine04/01/2017
330.80Tactical Casualty Care01/01/2019
330.85Hospital Emergency Response Team01/01/2019
330.96Prehospital Exposures09/02/2014
340.00Authorized Registered Nurse (ARN)11/01/2016
350.00Emergency Ambulance Transport Provider Criteria; County Administered Non-Exclusive Areas04/01/2015
352.009-1-1 Ambulance Transport Provider - Provision of Service in County Admin. Non-Exclusive Areas04/01/2015
355.00Approval to Use EMT and Paramedic SOP During Scheduled / Special Event Standby10/01/2023
355.00Scheduled Event - Appendix A10/18/2022
355.00Special Event - Appendix B10/18/2022
380.00Review of OCEMS Policy by a Base Hospital Physician04/01/2015
385.00Continuous Quality Improvement Plan06/03/2019
385.05Base Hospital QA/QI Review Process03/07/2022
398.00Intranasal Naloxone by Public Safety First Responders  *****CURRENT*****10/01/2019
398.00Intranasal Naloxone by Public Safety First Responders *****UPCOMING 04/01/2025*****10/01/2024
398.01Intranasal Naloxone by Public Safety First Responders Competency Review03/15/2018
398.05Law Enforcement First Responder Agencies Approved to Administer Naloxone06/16/2020

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400.00 - 499.99 - Personnel Certification / Licensing

PolicyTitle                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Updated
400.00Mobile Intensive Care Nurse (MICN) Authorization11/01/2022
410.00Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Certification and Recertification04/01/2017
415.00Orange County Ambulance Driver/Attendant License10/01/2023
420.00Background Checks and California Central Registry Requirements for EMT Certification/Recertification07/01/2010
430.10Accreditation to Practice - Paramedic 10/01/2023
450.00Paramedic/Mobile Intensive Care Nurse Informal Performance Review04/01/2023
455.00Emergency Medical Technician Certification Review Process07/01/2010
455.00EMT Certification Review Process - Health & Safety Code 1798.200(c) - Attachment 108/01/2023
455.00Recommended Guidelines for Disciplinary Orders and Conditions of Probation (EMT) - Attachment 207/01/2010
470.00Fees: Certification, Licensing and Designation07/01/2024

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500.00 - 599.99 - Training Programs

PolicyTitle                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Updated
500.00Mobile Intensive Care Nurse (MICN)11/19/2015
505.00Orange County Ambulance Driver / Attendant License - Training Program Requirements10/01/2023
510.00Emergency Medical Technician Training Program Criteria10/01/2023
510.00EMT Training Program Application Attachment12/17/2024
510.05EMS Monitoring of Approved Training Programs10/01/2023
510.10EMT Skills Competency Verification Process10/01/2023
510.10EMT Skills Competency Verifiers - Attachment A10/01/2023
510.10Skills Competency Verification Form - Attachment B10/18/2022
520.00Paramedic Training Program Criteria04/01/2017
520.00Paramedic Training Program Provider Application - Attachment 103/27/2025
530.00EMS Continuing Education (CE) Provider Approval10/01/2023
530.00EMS Continuing Education (CE) Provider Application - Attachment 112/17/2024
530.00List of Continuing Education (CE) Course Offerings - Attachment 210/01/2011
535.00Public Safety Personnel First Aid Training Program10/01/2023
535.00Public Safety Personnel First Aid Training Program - Attachment 112/17/2024

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600.00 - 699.99 - Medical Facilities

PolicyTitle                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Updated
600.00Emergency Receiving Center Criteria07/01/2021
600.05Community (Spoke) ERC Assignments to Base Hospitals ***UPCOMING 04/01/2025***09/24/2024
600.10Emergency Receiving Center - Resource Listing07/01/2021
610.00Base Hospital Criteria08/20/2019
615.00Impact Evaluation of Reduction/Closure of Hospital Emergency Services06/03/2013
620.00Trauma Center Criteria07/01/2021
620.01Pediatric Trauma Center Criteria07/01/2021
620.07Trauma System Design11/19/2015
620.11Trauma System Market & Advertising by Trauma Centers & Prehospital Care Providers11/19/2015
620.13Trauma Systems Public Information and Education11/19/2015
630.00Cardiovascular Receiving Center Criteria07/01/2021
635.00Paramedic Receiving Center / Base Hospital: Survey / Resurvey04/01/2015
635.10Trauma Receiving Center: Survey / Resurvey Process01/15/2019
640.00Base Hospital / Facility Program: Approval / Designation Process and Appeal Procedures07/01/2002
645.00Suspension or Revocation of Specialty Center, ERC, Training Program, Base Hospital, or 911/IFT-ALS Provider Designation10/01/2023
650.00Stroke-Neurology Receiving Center Designation Criteria08/01/2022
650.05Community (Spoke) Hospital Assignments to Adult Stroke-Neurology Receiving Centers09/24/2024
650.10Stroke Registry Data Dictionary11/01/2016
655.00Agreement to Provide Services as an Emergency Receiving Center04/01/2015
655.01Agreement to  Provide Services as a Comprehensive Children's Emergency Receiving Center04/01/2015
660.00Agreement to Provide Services as a Trauma Center04/01/2015
680.00Comprehensive Children's Emergency Receiving Center Designation Criteria07/01/2021

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700.00 - 799.99 - Medical Transportation Certification / Licensing & Ambulance Regulations

PolicyTitle                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Updated
700.00EMT-P Service Provider Criteria08/24/1995
705.00ALS / PAU Activation / Reactivation04/01/2015
706.00Temporary ALS Unit Activation09/02/2014
714.00Maximum Emergency Ground Ambulance Rates 07/01/2024
715.00Ambulance Ordinance No. 351701/01/1986
715.00Ground Emergency Ambulance Service Rates Adjustment 07/01/2023
720.00Attachment II - Appendix II Ambulance Contract Cities04/29/2008
720.20Ambulance Rules and Regulations - Complaint Processing04/01/2014
720.30Ambulance Rules and Regulations - Ground Ambulance Design, Documentation & Equipment04/01/2025
720.40Ambulance Rules and Regulations - Ground Ambulance Provider Inspection04/01/2025
720.50Ambulance Rules and Regulations - Ground Ambulance Vehicle Inspections and Permits04/01/2025
720.60Ambulance Rules and Regulations - Ground Ambulance Provider Policies, Procedures & Documentation04/01/2025
720.70Ambulance Rules and Regulations - Ground Ambulance Communications Equipment04/01/2025
730.10Ambulance Rules and Regulations - Air Ambulance Provider Criteria04/01/2023
730.15Ambulance Rules and Regulations - Air Rescue - BLS/ALS Air Rescue Service Provider Criteria04/01/2023
730.20Ambulance Rules and Regulations - Prehospital Air Ambulance and Air Rescue Service Activation04/01/2014
777.00Interfacility Transport Advanced Life Support (IFT-ALS) Service Provider Criteria04/01/2023

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800.00 - 899.99 - Communications

PolicyTitle                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Updated
850.00ALS Communications Assignments11/19/2015
853.00Hospital Emergency Administrative Radio (H.E.A.R) Network Validation03/01/2004

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900.00 - 999.99 - Disaster Response

PolicyTitle                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Updated
900.00Multi-Casualty Incident (MCI) Response Plan09/24/2024
900.00MCI Worksheet Attachment 1 - Mass Casualty Incident Response Plan - BH05/16/2023
900.00MCI Worksheet Attachment 2 - Mass Casualty Incident Response Plan - Med Com 
 Orange County Fire Chiefs Association - MCI Plan 201901/01/2019

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