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How to Enroll

You can call 1 (888) YOUR-WIC or 1 (888) 968-7942 to schedule an appointment or walk into any of the clinics with the following:

  1. Yourself or children you plan to enroll on the WIC program
  2. Identification for yourself and any eligible members of your family (children age birth- 5 years)
  3. Proof of Address for current residence (can be brought within 30 days of enrollment)
    Examples include: utility bill, California I.D., letter or postcard
  4. Proof of Income (can be brought within 30 days of enrollment)
    Examples include: Check stubs of both parents, benefit letter from TANF, employer’s letter, Medi-Cal card, income tax W2, or unemployment letter.
  5. Immunization Record for children up to two years old
  6. Doctor’s Form (can be brought within 30 days of enrollment)