Supporting Violence Survivors
The rise in violence around the world means that too many OC residents have been victims of or witnesses to these devastating events. Incidents of mass violence and crime can impact their victims for years. Some people develop physical symptoms, or mental health or substance use challenges as a result.
Our clinicians from the Supporting Survivors program are ready to provide trauma-informed care, counseling, case management, and referrals. We also have a special program for those impacted by a mass violence event, where we offer specific follow-ups. Our services also cover those who have experienced domestic violence, human trafficking, terror attacks, and elder violence.
CalWorks: Short-term financial help for families with children
The California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program provides time-limited cash assistance to families with children. CalWORKs recipients are automatically eligible for Medi-Cal and may qualify for Food Stamp benefits. Adults in the program are required to participate in a work activity unless determined exempt.