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COVID-19 Prevention/Places Guidance

COVID-19 Prevention/Places Guidance

On December 15, 2022, the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board voted to adopt the COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations. These regulations went into effect February 3, 2023 and will remain in effect for two years after the effective date, except for the recordkeeping subsections that will remain in effect for three years. These regulations apply to most workers in California who are not covered by the Aerosol Transmissible Diseases standard. 

Disease Reporting

  • Employers are required to maintain records of COVID-19 cases and immediately report serious illness (deaths, serious occupational illnesses, and serious injuries) to Cal/OSHA, consistent with existing regulations.
  • Employers must report large outbreaks (20 cases or more) directly to Cal/OSHA must now report major outbreaks to Cal/OSHA.

Additional Workplace Resources

Employers should follow the guidance above for Non-healthcare Businesses & Worksites for requirements related to employee safety and health.

Guidance on COVID-19 disease prevention in childcare setting can be found at the CDPH Safe Schools for School Hub under COVID-19 Child Care Resources.  Additional resources can be found at l CDC Guidance for Operating Child Care Programs during COVID-19.

Disease Reporting

Child care centers are required to report epidemic outbreaks to CCL through their local Regional Office (PDF) pursuant to Title 22 CCR section 101212(d).

Family child care homes are required to report a communicable disease outbreak, when determined by the local health authority, to CCL through their local Regional Office (PDF) pursuant to Title 22 CCR section 102416.2(c)(3).

Child Care Providers are required to report outbreaks or unusual occurrences of communicable disease per California Department of Public Health. Code Regs. tit. 17 § 2508, as well as requirements to report individual cases of reportable disease.  Please see Information for Schools and Child Care Providers on OCHCA reporting.

Guidance on assessing and mitigating risk in congregate living situations is available from the CDC Additional Information for Community Congregate Living Settings.

Guidance on mitigating risk and responding to COVID-19 cases and outbreaks in homeless shelters is available from the CDC Guidance on Management of COVID-19 in Homeless Service Sites and in Correctional and Detention Facilities.  Shelter staff who have concerns about COVID-19 cases or outbreaks can call Communicable Disease Control at 714-834-8180.

The Safe Schools for All Hub consolidates key resources and information related to COVID-19 and schools. All current guidance documents can be found at the State of California Safe Schools for All HUB.  New resources will be added to the Hub on a regular basis.  Please visit for California's K-12 Framework for schools.

Disease Reporting

There remain requirements for schools to report reportable diseases as well as outbreaks of disease under existing education and public health statues.  For the purposes of respiratory illness there is not a specific number or criteria as what might constitute an outbreak depends on the levels of disease in the broader community.  Consequently, we define an outbreak as an unusual occurrence of disease.  If school staff have concerns about occurrence of disease or have questions call Communicable Disease Control at 714-834-8180 or you can report online following the directions HERE.