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HIV Planning and Coordination

HIV Planning and Coordination (HIVPAC)

The HIV Planning and Coordination Unit coordinates HIV prevention and care services in the County of Orange. HIVPAC receives Federal and State HIV grants and subcontracts the funds to various organizations in the County. HIVPAC’s mission is to prevent the transmission of HIV, to encourage early intervention for those who are aware of their HIV status, and to ensure that persons living with HIV have access to needed health care and services. HIVPAC is the Grant Recipient of the Ryan White Part A funding and works with the Orange County HIV Planning Council to ensure that needed services are available to persons living with HIV. HIVPAC also coordinates housing and support services using Housing Opportunities for Persons with AID (HOPWA) funds, which is administered by the City of Anaheim. 

For more information about the HIV Planning Council, please visit

For more information about eligibility requirements, HIV services, and agency information, please refer to the HIV Client Handbook.



NamePhone Email 

Mindy He,
Health Services Manager:

 Program Strategy & Engagement


Mary Young,
Health Services Manager:

Grants Management & Oversight

Marlon-Ray Velasco,
Program Supervisor II
Tara Buehring,
Program Supervisor I
James Williams,
Research Analyst
Diane Pinto,
 Staff Specialist
Martha Garcia
 HIV Planning Council Support
Lilia Santana,
Office Assistant
Kristin Alix,
Quality Improvement Specialist 
Annmarie Calderon,
Staff Specialist
Linda Viramontes,
Staff Specialist
Manuel Antunez,
Staff Specialist 
(714) 834-7750

Other Resources

  • California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Office of AIDS (OA) - For more information about statewide efforts to address HIV in California, check out the Office of AIDS website.
  • HIV/AIDS Bureau - Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA): Learn more about HRSA's HIV/AIDS Bureau which administers the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program.
  • MediCal  - Learn more about Medi-Cal, a public health insurance program for low-income people offered by the state of California. It covers families with children, seniors, persons with disabilities, foster care children, pregnant women, and low-income people with specific diseases.
  • - Technical assistance and training resources for HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, the federal program that funds local and state agencies to deliver HIV care for people with HIV who are uninsured or underinsured. 

Page Last Updated: March 25, 2025