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OC Health Improvement Plan

Welcome to the Orange County Community Health Improvement Plan (OC CHIP), a community-driven agenda for elevating the health and well-being of Orange County residents.

OC Community Health Assessment (CHA) and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)

A community health assessment (CHA) is a local public health analysis that identifies key needs and issues through the comprehensive review of data. The CHA can then be used by the community to develop and carry out a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) - a long term strategy to address these community identified priority health needs and issues. The CHIP is used by a variety of partners, such as community members, organizations, agencies, local leaders, hospitals and health systems to organize, carry out, and track the programs, policies, and resources used to address the community’s priority issues. Supported by the Orange County Health Care Agency, the Orange County Community Health Improvement Plan (OC CHIP) lays out a shared plan for addressing the priority issues selected by our community, for our community. Together we can elevate the health of all who call Orange County home.


Orange County Community Health Improvement Plan 2024-26

Please click on image to see the full report. The report is also available to view in:

中文 - Chinese
한국인 - Korean
Español - Spanish
Tiếng Việt - Vietnamese

Orange County Needs You!

Dear Community Member -

The OC Health Care Agency’s (HCA) has published the Orange County Community Health Improvement Plan (OC CHIP) Plan update for 2024-26. The OC CHIP is a vital initiative designed to address the health needs and concerns of our community. It serves as a roadmap for improving health outcomes and promoting health equity for all residents. This plan was informed by population and neighborhood level data, which illustrated the disparities in health outcomes and disease burdens that exist by geography, race/ethnicity, gender, immigration status, sexual orientation, age, and ability. 

The community’s input was crucial in shaping this plan to reflect the diverse needs and priorities of Orange County. HCA used a comprehensive stakeholder process to develop the OC CHIP. We worked together with our community-based partners to form shared goals and strategies that reflect, honor, and uplift the voices of our historically marginalized communities. We are grateful to the community members who participated during this process, sharing their lived experience and ideas so that we can continue to improve the public’s health. Central to the development and implementation of all programs was the focus on community collaboration, cultural competence, and consumer- and family-driven services. Serving the unserved and underserved is a focus, in addition to wellness, recovery, and resilience.


Please click on image to see the full report” The report will be also available in other languages soon.”

As a valued member of our community, we want to bring to your attention two important opportunities to make a significant impact on the health and well-being of Orange County: The Orange County Community Health Improvement Plan (OC CHIP) is recruiting community members and organizations to serve on the six priority area implementation workgroups and also to serve on the OC CHIP Steering Committee.

The following two links will take you to surveys through which you can voice your interest in joining us as we launch the implementation phase of the OC CHIP.

Workgroup Membership Interest Survey

Steering Committee Membership Interest Survey

 The OC CHIP is more likely to be successful if we engage and involve as many as we can across our diverse communities. Please feel free to forward the survey links to others who might interested in helping with the OC CHIP as we begin work on the community’s plan. Please do not hesitate to reach out to if you have any additional thoughts or ideas you would like to share. Your continued involvement and support are crucial to the success of the OC CHIP.


This document was designed to support individuals participating in the development of the Orange County 2024-2026 Community Health Improvement Plan. This reference provides a summary of Community Health Assessment findings for each health condition or health determinant. This summary includes high- level data for related indicators, a brief discussion of known disparities, qualitative findings from the assessment, as well as mission statements for known current collaborative activities (not comprehensive). Existing county data for each condition or determinant is provided in the summary. These data provide Orange County’s status compared to California and the United States, as well as how we compared to Healthy People 2030 goals. Following each summary are detailed charts that reveal trends and/or disparities.

The 2020-22 Orange County Health Improvement Plan (PDF) was informed by a year-long community health assessment that found that while Orange County’s health, as a whole, continues to fare well compared to other areas, there are some troubling trends and disparities that impact our communities.

The HIP identified that improving health in Orange County requires a close look at the conditions that create health inequities. To that end, two of the six focus areas in this plan address overall system issues: Social Determinants of Health and Access and System Navigation. The remaining four areas highlight health topics identified as the most pressing to work on in the next three years: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention; Mental Health and Substance Use; Older Adult Health; and Sexual Health.

Available Orange County Health Improvement Plans