What: Promote health equity by enhancing culturally responsive and inclusive behavioral health services for all ethnic and cultural groups
How: Provides supportive services, training, education, research, and advocacy. The program offers Language Service Coordination, SSI/SSDI Disability Benefits and Employment Consultation and Training, and Culture and Mental Health Needs of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community Consultation and Training.
Trainings and Education: Topics include Client Culture, Cultural Groups, Cultural Responsive Services, Stressed Families/Older Adult, People with Developmental Disability, People with HIV/AIDS, Refugees and Immigrants, Trauma-Exposed Individuals, Limited English Proficiency Culture, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex, and more.
In addition, we provide consumer/peer supervision; culturally responsive and inclusive clinical consultation; translation services and materials; and supporting strategies and efforts for reducing racial, ethnic, cultural and linguistic disparities.