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Discipline & Enforcement Process

Personal Statement

Disciplinary Action

If an EMT has a criminal history, subsequent arrest or validated complaint, OCEMS will conduct an investigation. If the investigation finds evidence that the EMT has a violation that warrants formal disciplinary action, an accusation, which is a legal document that lists the charges, is prepared and sent to the EMT.

What are the potential outcomes?

  • Deny an application for Certification
  • Revoke or suspend the certificate
  • Accept surrender of the certificate (Revoking, denying voluntary surrendering, or suspending a license prohibits the EMT from practicing.)
  • Place the EMT's license on probation

Orange County Emergency Medical Service's decisions are always based on the safeguards required to protect the public.

Probation Monitoring

EMT's placed on probation will be required to comply with the specific conditions of their probation. Compliance with the conditions is monitored by an OCEMS probation monitor. When the EMT successfully meets the conditions of probation, the certificate is restored without restrictions.