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DOJ/FBI Background

California Department of Justice and FBI Live Scan  

California Department of Justice & FBI Live Scan Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) Report and Subsequent Action Notification (SAN) Subscription 

State regulations and Orange County Emergency Medical Services (OCEMS) policy require that all Emergency Medical Technician candidates perform a California and Federal background check prior to becoming certified in California. State law also requires that all EMTs currently certified in California must also have a background check as of July 1, 2010.

The process for applicants to perform a background check is known as a Live Scan fingerprinting service. The Live Scan service operator electronically captures the candidate’s fingerprint images and electronically sends the images to the state Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal databases. The DOJ disseminates the resulting information of the Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) to the agency which the EMT applicant is applying for certification and to the State Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA). When submitting a Live Scan for OCEMS, candidates should be aware that the applicant is submitting to a subscription for OCEMS to receive an initial CORI and Subsequent Action Notifications (SANs) for any future arrests or convictions.


Live Scan Finger Printing Requirements 

Live Scan fingerprinting is required for:

  • Initial EMT applicants applying to OCEMS for state EMT certification. 
  • EMT Certificates which have Expired/Lapsed greater than one year.
  • Renewal EMT applicants who are changing their certifying entity to OCEMS (e.g. EMT was previously State Certified through San Diego EMS and is now completing a State Certification Renewal through Orange County EMS).
  • If your Live Scan was completed greater than one year ago and you are applying for your Initial EMT Certification, you will be required to perform a new Live Scan for OCEMS.

EMT candidates should review OCEMS Policy #420.00 for more information.



National Practitioner Data Base  (NPDB)

What is the NPDB?

The NPDB is a federal information repository for reports related to medical malpractice payments and adverse health care actions. The NPDB was created by Congress and is operated by the Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA). 

Does OCEMS Report to the NPDB?

Federal Law mandates OCEMS to report adverse healthcare actions taken against EMT Certificates to the NPDB. Once reported, individuals will receive a  notification from the NPDB with details of the information reported. 

For more information on the NPDB you can visit their website at:
