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Procurement & Contract Services

The Procurement and Contract Services Division is a part of the Administrative Services team and responsible for developing, soliciting, negotiating, and administering human services contracts for the County of Orange Health Care Agency (HCA).

The objective is to provide for the fiscal and operational integrity of HCA by utilizing the competitive bidding process to obtain the most cost effective services; provide effective and efficient contract development and administration; and provide oversight of contract services to safeguard the County's financial resources.

The Procurement and Contract Services Division currently administers more than 1,500 Commodity, Professional Services, and Human Services contracts, many of which contain multiple funding sources and distinctly different programs. These commodities and services contracts include services for Agency programs in Public Health, Behavioral Health, Regulatory/Medical Health Services[DB1](link is external) , and Correctional Health Services. Contract providers include hospitals, clinics, skilled nursing facilities, educational institutions, and both for-profit and non-profit community based organizations. Additionally, the Procurement and Contract Services Division provides fiscal management and compliance oversight of all HCA contracts.

Open Bids

Get notification when contracts are going out to bid. The County of Orange has partnered with BidSync Inc., a bid management system used for soliciting and responding to Request for Proposals for Human Services. You can register to receive automatic notifications of all County solicitations or respond to any open solicitation, visit Open Bids(link is external) for more information. There is no charge to register in BidSync or to bid on any solicitations offered by the County of Orange.

Doing Business with OC

The County's purchasing functions are decentralized with specific employees in the various departments responsible for purchasing decisions. The County Procurement Office is responsible for issuing County-Wide Master Agreements as well as assisting the various departments of the County as they purchase equipment, goods and services and for administering the Online Bidding System. The OC Procurement website(link is external) can further assist with providing insight relating to doing business with OC.

Vendor Information Day

The County of Orange holds a Vendor Information Day(link is external) on the first Thursday of each month (except holidays). These sessions are to provide vendors with information on how to do business with the County and to answer questions regarding the County of Orange purchasing process. To participate in this event, RSVP is required. If you have any questions, please contact us at