Tattooing, Body Piercing & Permanent Cosmetics
All practitioners of "body arts," which includes tattooing, body piercing, branding, and application of permanent cosmetics, are required to register with the local health department. Registration requirements for operators include a review of proposed regulations, completion of an application form, and payment of a registration fee.
State laws establishing minimum requirements and minimum statewide standards for body art and body art practitioners are provided in the California Safe Body Art Act (Act). The requirements are intended to protect both the practitioner and the client from the transmission of infectious diseases. Inspections will occur at all body art facilities within Orange County. (The Act resides in the California Health and Safety Code (H&SC), Division 104, Part 15, Sections (§§) 119300-119328. AB 300 repeals current provisions and enacts the Safe Body Art Act as of July 1, 2012.)
To access the Safe Body Art Act, please click on the PDF
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For specific information regarding the operation of body art facilities, please call Environmental Health Body Art Program at 714-433-6000 to speak to a Specialist.
A resource for small and medium-sized businesses in Orange County.
The purpose of this manual is to provide the reader with a quick and simple reference regarding body art. It covers basic concepts that businesses engaged in body art need to know.
Body Art Tips
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Attention Body Art Practitioners
Renewal requires the following:
- Submittal of a current Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) training certificate
- Payment of an annual fee (the invoice will be sent to you separately from the registration renewal notice)
You may email a scan or photo of your BBP training certificate to Please note any corrections to your mailing address or email address in the email message. Late renewals will be penalized with an additional fee, or the account will be closed and a new registration must be filed.
Approved BBP Training
Need Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) Exposure Control training?
- Orange County approved BBP training can be found here.
Orange County also accepts Los Angeles County approved BBP Training Providers
- LA County BBP training providers can be found here.