Approximately 20 percent of youth ages 13 to 18 experience mental disorders in a given year and 103 youth in California died by suicide each year.
Directing Change is a student video contest that is part of a statewide effort funded by the Mental Health Services Act to prevent suicide, reduce stigma and promote student mental wellness. Participating students create 60-second public service announcements for suicide prevention and for ending the silence about mental illness by educating the public about stigma, suicide warning signs, words to use to offer help to someone you are concerned about and resources that are available. There were a total of 432 Directing Change submissions, representing 996 students from 112 high schools and 9 UC campuses and 31 counties were received.
Congratulations to Contest Winners and Finalists!
First Place
 | "Hey Taylor" Canyon High School Student Names: Kimberly Stratton, Stephen Garcia, Cassidy Foelsch and Nicholas Jackson Advisor Name: Alex Graham |
 | "Through the Tunnel" San Juan Hills High School Student Names: Will D’Epagnier Advisor Name: Brian Devaney |
 | "If We All Speak Loud Enough" Canyon High School Student Names: Nick Walker Advisor Name: Alex Graham |
Second Place
Second Place
 | "Meet Kiersten" Canyon High School Student Names: Katie Maynard Advisor Name: Alex Graham |
Honorable Mentions
 | "Take Action" Canyon High School Student Names: Alexis Guzman and Thomas Foroughi Advisor Name: Alex Graham |
 | "Hear Your Heart Beat Think Twice" NOVA Academy Early College High School Student Names: Laura Castillo, Antonio Aguilar, Eric Rodriguez and Aurora Garcia Advisor Name: Clarissa Bustamante |
 | "Light at the End of the Tunnel" Buena Park High School Student Names: Osvaldo Cardenas, Johnny Castellon, Francisco Goroztieta and Candis Johnson Advisor Name: Andrew Huff |
 | "Happy" Canyon High School Student Names: Nick Jackson and Ennis Machta Advisor Name: Alex Graham |
 | "Before and After" Canyon High School Student Names: Angelina Phan, Kiana Kikuchi and Shari Sirotnak Advisor Name: Alex Graham |
 | "Pass It On" Buena Park High School Student Names: HaivDo, Kalei Grogan, Jahnel Rico Advisor Name: Andrew Huff |
For a complete list of all California winners and finalist, visit