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Multi-Disciplinary Consultation Team (MDCT)

Matrix of Interagency Programs Program Profiles

Program NameMulti-Disciplinary Consultation Team (MDCT)
Program Description:
Purpose/Mission of ProgramTo work with the Social Services Agency's Emergency Response services to reduce the need for protective custody and out of home placements by stabilizing and strengthening the family.
Target PopulationChildren/youth for whom a child abuse report has been made and the child/youth's unmet mental health needs contributed to the reported abuse.
Eligibility RequirementsAt risk of becoming a dependent of the Orange County Juvenile Court; a child abuse report has been made; reported abuse is related to the child/youth's unmet mental health needs; most referrals come through the Child Abuse Registry
Income requirementsNone
How referrals are made to the programMost referrals are made by the Social Services Agency's Child Abuse Registry and Emergency Response Program.
Program CapacityAbout 40 cases per year
Primary Services ProvidedConsultation session; linkage/referral to mental health and education services, support services, advocacy services, respite care, Supportive and Therapeutic Options Program (STOP), and other services as appropriate.
Contact Information:
Name, phone, emailSandy Brown Phone: 714-380-8399 Email: