WHO WE ARE: We help teens meet the social, health, educational, and economic challenges of pregnancy. We provide comprehensive case management to expectant and parenting teens and their children.
OUR FOCUS: Both the Adolescent Family Life Program (AFLP – age 21) and Cal-Learn (up through age 18) build upon adolescent strengths and resources. AFLP and Cal-Learn staff are comprised of social workers and licensed clinicians who provide one-on-one support and help link teens to services and programs available in the community including:
- Health services for teens and their children
- Schooling and/or vocational classes
- Child Care
- Transportation
- Financial Aid
- Legal Services
- Childbirth classes and/or parenting classes
- Counseling
AFLP and Cal-Learn staff can meet with the teen at home, school, or wherever she or he is comfortable.
Adolescent Family Life Program (AFLP)
- Increase access to and utilization of needed services;
- Increase social and emotional support and build resiliency;
- Increase educational attainment and employability; and,
- Improve pregnancy planning and spacing.
Young people up to 21 years of age (at the time of enrollment) who are expectant and/or parenting, including partners in pregnancy and parenting.
- Help teens graduate from high school
- Become independent and form healthy families
To qualify for Cal-Learn, you must:
- Be a CalWORKs recipient
- Live in the same household as your child
- Be under 19 years of age
- Not yet have a high school diploma or GED
- Not be in foster care
Contact Information:
AFLP & Cal-Learn Programs
P.O. Box 6099
Santa Ana, CA 92706
(714) 567-6229
(714) 834-8051 Fax