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OCHCA: Nitrous Oxide Information and Survey

CD News Alert

On March 14, 2025, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a Consumer Advisory advising consumers not to inhale nitrous oxide products from any size canisters, tanks, or chargers as inhaling nitrous oxide recreationally can lead to serious health effects, including death. 

Just last month, after the introduction of a local ordinance to ban nitrous oxide (for recreational use) for concerns of harms posed by recreational use by Vice Chair Katrina Foley, the County of Orange Board of Supervisors (BOS) approved the ordinance which bans the sale or distribution of Nitrous Oxide for recreational use

Under direction from the Board of Supervisors, Dr. Chinsio-Kwong (Orange County’s Health Officer) is drafting a report on Nitrous Oxide Use/Misuse in Orange County and is encouraging clinicians and first responders serving Orange County residents and visitors to complete a short anonymous survey by March 31, 2025. Insights gathered from the survey will be reviewed and incorporated into a county report. 

The links to the survey are available below.

The Digital version of the Health Officer Newsletter is available here:



  • Measles - more comprehensive resources are included in this edition with the rising risk of exposure with travel and ongoing outbreaks in the US. It is important to communicate the potential for non-immune to be contract measles given recent outbreaks across the United States and other countries. Clinicians must review common symptoms and presentations, how to protect the community and staff, and are reminded to immediately contact our CDCD team when measles is suspected. HCA’s PHS team is working with CDPH for specific messaging to the Vietnamese community as all 5 cases identified across California in 2025 returned from Vietnam (a country currently experiencing a surge of measles cases) before returning to California. MMR vaccines are widely available throughout the county. Those seeking MMR vaccines can still utilize to find a vaccine.
  • The Protecting Against Measles Flyer is available on our website and is translated in different languages (see bottom of the page – Resources 
  • World TB Day is March 24 and HCA’s very own TB Controller – Dr. Helene Calvet is providing a webinar on World TB Day to review evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment.
  • National Nutrition Month- March is National Nutrition Month and this year’s theme is Food Connects US. Clinicians who are interested in engaging in county wide efforts for sustainable change are encouraged to join the CHIP Diabetes and Obesity workgroup.
  • Nitrous Oxide - The FDA issued an alert on March 14th advising consumers not to inhale nitrous oxide products as recreational use can lead to serious health effects, including death. Just last month, the Orange County Board of Supervisors passed an Ordinance banning the sale of nitrous oxide for recreational use and directed for a County Report on the Misuse of Nitrous Oxide in Orange County to be created. I am still gathering information but need insights from Clinicians and 1st responders - EMT/Paramedics as well as Law Enforcement across Orange County. Clinicians, EMT/Paramedics, Sheriffs and Police Officers that serve Orange County are encouraged to complete a short survey. The Survey will be available from March 18 through March 31. Findings will be reviewed and included in the Orange County report. Links to the surveys are available on the newsletter. 
  • CDC Alert - Dengue- With Dengue transmission remaining high in the US and locally acquired cases reported in Florida, California and Texas, as well as in other countries, the public as well as clinicians are advised to be on alert, take preventive efforts to control mosquitos in the environment, prevent mosquito bites, and maintain clinical suspicion when evaluating cases.
  • Respiratory Virus Season updates - Flu, RSV and COVID-19 are decreasing, however flu, RSV and COVID-19 is still present in our community. Vaccines are still recommended especially for those who are vulnerable and have not yet received updated vaccines.
  • H5N1 (Bird Flu) - More poultry and dairy farms are affected across the US, however human cases have remained stable. At this time those in close contact with infected animals are at higher risk than the general public. To date, there has been no human-to-human transmission. Those in close contact with infected animals are urged to take precautions, use recommended PPE, monitor for development of symptoms and are advised to seek medical care if they do develop symptoms. More cats have been identified with H5N1 after consuming raw milk or raw pet food. Pet owners are advised to refrain feeding pets raw milk or raw pet food and to consult veterinarians if their pets become ill.
  • Safety Recall - Rebecca’s Toys & Prizes Bowling Pin Sipper Cups were recalled because of elevated lead levels found in the red tape of the product.
  • FDA recalls/safety Alerts from March include Raw Pet food contaminated with H5N1, certain prepared vegetable, canned seafood chowder product for concern of listeria or clostridium, and an herbal product contaminated with lead and arsenic.
  • March and early April Observances including: National Social Work Month, National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, National Poison Prevention Week, Doctor’s Day, and multiple other health professional observances, World Health Day and upcoming Public Health Week. 

Providers can now sign up to directly receive the monthly County Health Officer newsletter by entering email information to a listserv.