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OC Health Care Agency Reports First Omicron COVID-19 Variant Case in Orange County

Press Release

(Santa Ana, CA) – An adult male resident of Orange County has tested positive for infection by the Omicron COVID-19 variant, becoming the first Omicron infection in Orange County. He is fully vaccinated and experienced mild illness. The illness occurred following domestic travel outside California. The OC Health Care Agency (HCA) is following up on any close contacts.

“The Omicron variant is highly transmissible and has already been identified in the United States and many countries around the world,” said Dr. Matthew Zahn, Deputy County Health Officer and Medical Director in Communicable Disease Control. "We had anticipated that Omicron would arrive here in Orange County. It’s important that we all do our part by following public health guidance to protect our loved ones and neighbors, especially those who are most vulnerable, during the holiday season.”

Recommended precautions include: 

  • Getting your vaccine and booster shot: Residents who are not yet fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or are eligible for their booster dose should access the most convenient option available to them to get their shot. For more information on where to go for a vaccine, visit and click on “Find a COVID-19 Vaccine”.
  • Getting tested after returning from travel: Regardless of vaccination status, those returning from travel over the holidays are strongly encouraged to get a COVID test 3-5 days after travel. Self-collection, at-home COVID-19 test kits are being distributed to travelers at John Wayne Airport in Terminals A and C and are available at no cost by visiting
  • Wearing a mask: Slow the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a mask over your nose and mouth when you are indoors in public settings, in crowded outdoor settings, or in close contact with others who may be unvaccinated or higher risk of getting sick with COVID-19 (such as the elderly, infants and immunocompromised). Masks are currently required to be worn in all indoor public settings, regardless of vaccine status.
  • Adhere to all other COVID-19 safety precautions: Limit large and indoor gatherings, keep a safe distance from others who may be unvaccinated, wash and sanitize your hands often and thoroughly, regularly self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms and stay home if you are sick.

For more information on COVID-19 information and resources, including case counts, vaccination and testing in Orange County, visit