(Santa Ana, CA) – Due to recent increases in COVID-19 case counts, Orange County was moved to "High" community transmission status as of 7/14, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 Community Level Data Tracker.
As of July 15th, the seven-day average COVID-19 case rate in Orange County increased to 33.1 per 100,000 people (>20.0 CDC threshold) and the average number of daily COVID-19 cases is 1,068. The positivity rate increased to 17.4 percent, with hospitalizations at 277, and ICU admissions to 35. The OC Health Care Agency (HCA) reports COVID-19 cases and hospitalization data using the State’s database reflecting laboratory-reported PCR tests. With widespread use of at-home rapid Antigen testing, which go unreported, the true number of COVID-19 cases across the country are being undercounted.

"We are seeing a summer wave in cases and hospitalizations, and this move to the "HIGH" transmission level confirms that." says Dr. Clayton Chau, OC Health Care Agency Director. "To protect those at high risk, we are recommending that OC residents continue masking in public, indoor settings, especially those who are at high risk or living with loved ones who have comorbidities, are immunocompromised or are prone to getting sick."
The HCA recommends residents take preventive actions to minimize the risk of severe illness and advise the following:
- Wear a well-fitting mask in indoor, public settings, especially those who are at high risk or live with those with comorbidities or immunocompromised. Refer to the State’s Guidance for the Use of Face Masks for full masking guidance
- Be up to date on vaccinations by completing your primary series, receiving your additional dose if immunocompromised, and receiving your booster dose when eligible, to maximize your immunity against severe infection. Visit www.Othena.com or https://myturn.ca.gov/ to schedule a vaccine.
- Keep a safe distance from others outside of your household, to avoid close contact with people who may be unvaccinated or asymptomatic.
- If you recently attended a high-risk event, traveled, or came into close contact with someone who has COVID-19, self-monitor for symptoms and get tested. Stay home and follow self-quarantine guidance.
- If you are sick, stay home, follow self-isolation guidance and get tested.
Patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are seeking to determine if they would be eligible for therapeutic medications, should contact their health care provider, or locate a Test to Treat site. As of 7/6, state-licensed pharmacists can prescribe Paxlovid to eligible patients, with certain limitations to ensure appropriate patient assessment. Contact your local pharmacy to discuss details.
The CDC launched its Data Tracker earlier this year to create standardized COVID-19 data across the country to provide a county level view of key data for monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. The data measure cases per 100,000 population and hospitalization rates to segment Low, Medium or High Transmission levels. To learn more visit: CDC

For more information on COVID-19 information and resources, including case counts, vaccination, and testing in Orange County, visit ochealthinfo.com/covid.
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