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Body Art


Charitable Feeding Operations


Cottage Food Operations

Food Handler

Food Program Information

Food Trucks

Temporary Food Facilities

Food Safety Recall

Shared Food Facilities


Hazardous Waste

Hazardous Material Disclosure/Business Emergency Plan

Above-Ground Petroleum Storage Tank

Underground Storage Tank

Tiered Permitting

California Accidental Release Prevention Program

Universal Waste

Medical Waste

Used Motor Oil

Used Tires

Hazardous Materials Emergency Response


Indoor Air Quality

Food Plan Check

Pool Plan Check

Wholesale and Food Truck Plan Check

Industrial Cleanup

Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup

Local Enforcement Agency (LEA)

Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

Organized Camps

Foodborne Illnesses

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) Plans


Ocean Water Program

Cross Connection and Backflow Tester

Well Permitting Program

Liquid Waste Hauling Vehicles Program

Pool Safety

Safe Drinking Water (Prop 65)


Pay Fees Button




Orange County Environmental Health (EH) provides several ways to pay your annual health permit fee. You may pay online, by mail, or in person. Please verify the information on your invoice is accurate prior to paying your bill. Once you've made payment maintain a copy of your receipt for your records. If the information reflected is not current, please contact us at (714) 433-6000.

ATTENTION: Orange County Environmental Health does not take payments over the phone. If you receive a call to make a payment related to your health permit over the phone, do not pay, and contact our office immediately.

The EH Division conducts inspections and issues permits to local businesses. Fees offset the costs of regulatory activities provided by EH. The OC Auditor-Controller accounting section is responsible for billing and collecting health service fees. 


Invoices dated between March 1, 2020 and February 28, 2023 were deferred (i.e., postponed) if they were not paid during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Orange County Board of Supervisors terminated the Local Health Emergency on February 28, 2023,  and all deferred invoices became due 45 days after all Public Health Orders were lifted. A reminder notice of outstanding balances was sent out on April 1, 2023. All outstanding balances were due on June 2, 2023. Any invoices that remains not paid after June 2, 2023 is subject to a 25% penalty.


In accordance with County Policy, fee adjustments for the 2024-2027 fiscal years were unanimously approved by County of Orange Board of Supervisors on June 4, 2024 an will become effective July 1, 2024. 

The newly approved fees can be found below. 

If you have any questions, comments, or need translation support for the proposed fees, please email us at or call us at (714) 433-6000.

About Downloading Files.

About Us 

Environmental Health Division works to protect public health and our environment, and promotes the well-being of all Orange County residents, workers, and visitors. Environmental Health is a regulatory agency that relies heavily on education and outreach to obtain compliance. 

Our Mission and Vision 

To serve and protect public health and the environment through our commitment to educate Orange County residents, visitors, and businesses. 

Contact Information

Have a question about Environmental Health programs or types of services our division provides? Our staff at Environmental Health is available to assist you. Select how you would like to contact us!

Environmental Health Offices

Office Address: 1241 E Dyer Rd, Ste. 120, Santa Ana, CA 92705.
Mailing Address: PO Box 25400, Santa Ana, CA 92799.
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM., Payment Window Hours close at 4:30 PM. (Payments will not be accepted after 4:30 PM). 
Phone: (714) 433-6000, Email:

EH Hotline Numbers


The California Public Records Act requires public agencies to provide access to public records that the agency maintains. Certain information, such as names of complainants, personal medical information, and records regarding ongoing litigation will not be released pursuant to the California Public Records Act and various privacy rules. 

To request records: 

  1. Please complete this Form.
  2. And click the 'request public records' button. 

See below for Environmental Health records available online. 
Health inspection records, Food illness complaint records, Wells, Beaches, Backflow, Public pool inspections, Medical waste, Hazardous waste generators, Underground storage tanks (UST), Solid waste, Body art, Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA), Site Assessment, and Plan Check records 


The information contained in the pages below were valid at the time of publication. The County of Orange reserves the right to make changes and improvements at any time and without notice, and assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of errors, omissions or discrepancies. 

Read about downloading files.